20th May- reminders

Just a polite reminder:

  • Furlough claims for the May payroll to be completed.
  • ‘Bounce Back’ loans to be claimed for those that wish to.
  • Self employed claims. The letters to those qualifying are now being issued (originally planned for June). If you are self-employed and you haven’t had a letter by say 1st June, then do please let us know.
  • I should say that we have yet to complete a CBIL loan, which is a pretty poor show on behalf of the banks.

As to Harris and Clarke, then life carries on as normal. The usual tax return letters are being sent out (albeit later than usual) and do let us have your books and records as usual. We have maintained a skeleton staff throughout the ordeal and now are slowly bringing back staff to our full complement, subject to soap, hand sanitizer and usual good humour. I would like to say the end is in sight, but instead will quote Churchill after El Alamein, ‘This is not the end, or the beginning of the end, but it may be the end of the beginning’. We shall see.

And lastly, for all you Eel fans out there you will no doubt be pleased that the Government have seen fit that young elvers have reached the Great Ouse.https://www.gov.uk/government/news/eels-have-arrived-at-the-great-ouse. It would appear that at least the stoat and eel populations have thrived during the lock down period.


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